VTG Armor

VTG has partnered with Knowbe4 to create a service that keeps you and your organization protected from cyber criminals. It works in conjunction with your existing antivirus and firewalls, with a focus on employees.

Trusted by the Valley's Best Organizations

91% of Cyber Security Attacks Initiate From Within

You don’t have to be a victim. VTG has partnered with Knowbe4 to create a service that keeps you and your organization protected from cyber criminals. It works in conjunction with your existing antivirus and firewalls, with a focus on employees.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails that appear to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Phishing emails are designed to convince you that you are performing a normal task or procedure.

Those affected by phishing range from large corporations to small companies; from tech and finance companies to hospitals, schools, and local governments.

What are Phishing Campaigns?

Phishing campaigns can be active as often as is preferred. During an active campaign, an email is sent to an end user in an attempt to induce the user to take action on the email.

The phishing campaigns evolve over time, and can range in subject matter.

Phishing campaigns can be set up to occur as often as is preferred. They can occur at random, and can be set up to send to all users, to a specific group, or to an individual.

What are Training Campaigns?

Training campaigns consist of training modules, video modules, and even games. They range in length from 3 minutes – 45 minutes.

Training is customizable. Campaigns can happen as often as you prefer.

Each campaign can be set up with training reminders, such as: notifying the users of their enrollment, number of days left until the end date, training completion notifications, and the number of days that training is past due.

What is VTG Armor?

VTG Armor is Security Awareness Training that changes the way users approach emails through a combination of phishing email campaigns, training campaigns, and reporting on their progress.

This method allows users to adopt a mindset of vigilance and healthy suspicion. In addition to your organization’s policies and procedures, each user will know how to respond when they receive an unsolicited email to verify its legitimacy.

Every phishing test sent is creating an opportunity for your employees to succeed in keeping you and your organization secure.

Progress Reporting

Once a month, a report to the account’s administrator is provided.

Examples of progress reports include:

  • Number of training sessions completed in a given time frame.
  • Number of phishing emails clicked on by a specific user.

Other reports are available and can be generated at any time.

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Read through some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have further questions please contact us.

All my software is in the cloud, so they take care of my cyber protection, right?

While moving data and applications to the cloud can provide many benefits, it does not mean that the security of your data is automatically guaranteed.Cybersecurity is still crucial even when your data is in the cloud. In fact, cloud environments can be particularly vulnerable to cyber threats due to the increased complexity of their infrastructure and the potential form is configurations. Cloud providers are responsible for securing the infrastructure, but customers are responsible for securing their own data and applications. This includes implementing access controls, monitoring for threats, and ensuring that data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. In addition, cloud providers typically have shared responsibility models, where they only provide certain levels of security, leaving the customer responsible for other areas. Ultimately, regardless of where your data is located, it is important to have a strong cybersecurity strategy in place to protect it from cyber threats.

Can’t I just use an anti-virus?

Traditional antivirus solutions are designed primarily to detect and remove known viruses, malware, and other threats. While they are effective at detecting and removing known threats, they do not provide the advanced capabilities of EndpointDetection and Response (EDR), Managed Detection and Response (MDR), andSecurity Operations Center (SOC) services. EDR solutions provide real-time monitoring and threat detection capabilities, allowing organizations to quickly identify and respond to cyber threats. MDR services provide a more comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, combining advanced threat detection and response capabilities with expert analysis and support. SOC services provide 24/7 monitoring and response to potential cybersecurity incidents, providing an added layer of protection and support. Traditional antivirus solutions are limited in their ability to provide these advanced services asthey are designed primarily for virus and malware detection, rather than proactive monitoring and response. Therefore, organizations that require these advanced capabilities should consider implementing EDR, MDR, and SOC services alongsidetheir traditional antivirus solutions to ensure comprehensive protection against cyber threats.

VTG provides EDR, MDR, and XRD services all monitored24/7 by a SOC (Security Operations Center)

I do not have a server, therefore my computers are not networked, so a “virus” cannot cripple us, right?

Even if you do not have a server, cybersecurity is still essential to protect your digital assets. As more business processes and personal data are conducted online, the risk of cyber threats continues to increase. Cybercriminals use various tactics such as phishing, malware, and ransomware to gain access to sensitive information or disrupt business operations. Without proper cybersecurity measures in place, you could be vulnerable to these attacks. This could lead to financial losses, reputational damage, or even legal liabilities. Additionally, even if you are not directly targeted, you could still be affected by security breaches through third-party vendors or partners that you work with. Therefore, regardless of the size or nature of your business, it is important to prioritize cybersecurity to protect your digital assets and ensure the integrity of your operations.

My personal information is probably already posted on the Dark Web.

Maybe. This completely depends on a combination of care and luck. We can check for you.  In 2020, the FBI reported nearly 77,000 cases of cyber extortion. Education is often the key, and guess what?  We have an educational tool that your entire team will love.

What is the difference between Antivirus and SentinelOne?

A Security Operations Center (SOC) monitored endpoint protection solution likeSentinelOne offers several advantages over traditional antivirus software. Here are some reasons why:

BehavioralAnalysis: Traditional antivirus software relies on signature-based detection, which means it can only detect known threats. However, SentinelOne uses behavioral analysis to detect and block new and unknown threats. This means it can detect and block zero-day attacks, file less malware, and other advanced threats that traditional antivirus software might miss.

Real-timeDetection and Response: SentinelOne's real-time detection and response capabilities allow it to identify and respond to threats quickly. This can help prevent damage to systems and data, and minimize the impact of a security incident.

Automation and Orchestration: SentinelOne's automation and orchestration capabilities allow it to respond to threats automatically. This means that threats can be blocked and remediated without the need for human intervention, freeing up security personnel to focus on more strategic tasks.

Integration with SOC: SentinelOne can be integrated with a SOC, which allows security analysts to monitor endpoints in real-time and respond to threats quickly. This can help organizations detect and respond to threats more effectively, and reduce the time it takes to contain and remediate a security incident.

EndpointVisibility: SentinelOne provides organizations with comprehensive endpoint visibility, which means they can see what's happening on all endpoints, even those that are off-network or remote. This helps organizations identify and respond to threats more effectively, and ensure that all endpoints are protected.

In summary, SentinelOne offers several advantages over traditional antivirus software, including behavioral analysis, real-time detection and response, automation and orchestration, integration with SOC, and endpoint visibility. By leveraging these capabilities, organizations can improve their security posture, detect and respond to threats more effectively, and reduce the risk of a security incident.

We only call for IT a few times a year.

Break fix IT is a reactive approach to IT management where issues are addressed only when they arise. The main drawback of break fix IT is that it is a reactive approach, meaning that problems are addressed only after they occur. This can result in downtime, lost productivity, and potential data loss. In contrast, proactive IT is a more comprehensive approach that involves monitoring and maintaining IT systems to prevent issues before they occur. By proactively monitoring systems, potential problems can be identified and addressed before they cause significant disruptions. Proactive IT also involves regular updates and maintenance, which can improve system performance and security. In the long run, proactive IT can save businesses time and money by preventing costly downtime and other issues.Therefore, while break fix IT may seem like a cost-effective option in the short term, proactive IT is ultimately a more effective and efficient approach to managing IT systems.

How quickly can you get here, because this business cannot function when things go sideways with our network.

Our clients sign a service agreement that details our services AND we can certainly prioritize emergency situations.  We’ve a large, friendly, and professional staff to timely meet our client’s needs.

2427 John Wayland Hwy Suite #1
Harrisonburg, VA 22801

(540) 437-0112
2023 - Copyright Vision Technology Group
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